The Missions Committee responds to needs in our community and the world with kindness, generosity and engagement. The committee provides opportunities for feeding the hungry, supporting the homeless, caring for children and families and supporting recovery after natural disasters. To volunteer for Outreach Missions programs, please click here and tell us which missions you would like to support.
Programs supported include:
Local Outreach:
Conejo Valley Free Meal Program
UMCWV regularly supports Harbor House’s Conejo Valley Free Meal Program by providingsack lunches on the second Sunday of the month and a hot meal one other day per month with volunteers from the congregation. Both of these meals are served “to go” at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.
Harbor House
Harbor House hopes to contribute to the building of a just community where all people are included. We see all human beings as worthy of our time and our efforts. We offer referrals, resources, case management, and a hand up for those who are struggling. It is our goal to help all people in our community finds hope, gainful employment, affordable housing, and a sense of personal well being. Harbor House was formed in 2019 to address the needs of our community. Houses of faith guide Harbor House with their wisdom. Local donations are for local needs. We have a deep desire to serve the poor and we know them by name.

Manna Conejo Valley Food Bank
Founded in 1971 by a group of people who felt that no person should ever go hungry in the Conejo Valley, Manna Conejo Valley Food Bank has been providing food assistance to our friends and neighbors in need for more than 40 years; and have made it our mission —
“To feed hungry people in the Conejo Valley.”

Many Mansions
Many Mansions develops and provides quality affordable housing and life-enriching services for low income individuals and families in Ventura and Los Angeles Counties, with special focus on those of very low income, who are formerly homeless, seniors, veterans, or disabled.

Senior Concerns
For the past four decades, Senior Concerns has provided high-quality, affordable support services to seniors and their families through innovative and effective programs aimed at fostering independence, well-being and self-esteem. At Senior Concerns, seniors come alive with enjoyment, affection and contentment, challenging the old age paradigms of losing one’s mind, capabilities or social connectedness. Community members unite to serve the very people who helped build the life we have today. Family caregivers are valued and celebrated. Our lifespans are designed as a process of continuous growth and development. At Senior Concerns it doesn’t end when we get old.

Westminster Free Clinic
Westminster Free Clinic, founded in 1994, is a grass roots health care provider that is driven and empowered by volunteers. It offers basic non-invasive health care, at or near locations where large numbers of uninsured people live or are marginally housed. Care provided at Westminster Free Clinic is 100% free. As a community care center, its goal is to provide low-income people with early access to healthcare, and health supporting programs and services, in order to prevent more-costly mental and physical health problems.

Beyond Our Community:
Christmas Gift Market
This annual holiday market allows shoppers to contribute to local, national and worldwide charities that help provide others’ basic needs. By purchasing a gift in a person’s honor, the “gift” is sent to the charity. In lieu of a gift, an honor card is sent to the person in whose honor the “gift” was given.
This annual Church World Service event is held in March of each year. Walkers recruit sponsors for this 10-kilometer “walk” and that income is used to help support hunger programs locally, nationally and globally. The CROP Walk meets at Cal Lutheran University with others from the Conejo Valley.

Mission of the Month
The Missions Committee selects one project to be highlighted each month. The purpose is to educate, develop awareness and gain financial support for the project. Articles are published in the Covenant (the church newsletter) and on the second Sunday of the month a presentation is made during the Celebration of Worship.
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (“UMCOR”) exists to assist United Methodists and churches to become involved globally in direct ministry to persons in need through programs of relief, rehabilitation, and service, including issues of displaced persons, hunger and poverty, disaster response, and disaster risk reduction; and to assist organizations, institutions, and programs related to annual conferences and other units of The United Methodist Church in their involvement in direct service to such persons in need.

Community Support Groups:
UMCWV also has several community organizations that rehearse or meet weekly at the church, i.e. Village Voices Chorale, Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon.
Due to Covid-19, there are currently no community support groups meeting on the campus of UMCWV. Please contact the support group directly to find out if they are holding meetings online.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Village Voices Chorale