
Becoming a Member

Becoming A Member

If you are interested in becoming a member of the church, contact Pastor Darren Cowdrey (revdarren.umcwv@gmail.com)


to attend the next membership orientation meeting. All are welcome to join.

Confirmation Classes

Confirmation is a class for students in grades 6-12 to learn about church history, spiritual practice, scripture and faith.  It meets once a week, February – May, as a Conejo Connect program taught Pastor Kristi. Confirmation Sunday takes place on Pentecost, when the confirmands become church members of their churches.

Members are expected to strive to grow in their faith through:

  • Prayers – commitment to pray with and for congregation and leaders
  • Presence – in regular worship attendance
  • Gifts – give to God through the church, in proportion to your income, and by sharing your time and talents
  • Service – find ways to serve God through hands-on ministry
  • Witness – sharing faith through words and actions